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Today is International Jaguar Day

Native Children's Survival stands in solidarity with our Jaguar relatives and our sisters and brothers protecting this sacred species.

Jaguars hold a special place in the hearts of Indigenous Peoples, such as the Waorani, as they signify respect and are the largest big cats in Abya Yala (the Americas). These magnificent creatures are the guardians of the forest, stretching across 18 countries from Mexico to Argentina.

The genetic diversity of Jaguars is contingent upon the safeguarding of their natural habitat across their entire range. Jaguars are classified as "Near Threatened" on the IUCN Red List, and they are extinct in El Salvador and Uruguay. There are no permanent residents of Jaguars in the United States, and the species is under pressure in the remaining range of countries.

Protecting the Jaguar is crucial for the preservation and maintenance of Indigenous territories, forests, biodiversity, and watersheds.

Learn what the international community is doing to protect Jaguars