Through the universal languages of music and film and guidance from the Traditional Circle of Elders and Youth, Native Children’s Survival launched Project Protect, an Awareness Campaign to help generate support, educate, and advocate for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Mother Earth and All Our Relations.
Project Protect was introduced in 1990, with the international television broadcast of our first music picture, IS IT TOO LATE, prefaced by Mikhail Gorbachev at the Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders held in the Kremlin, Moscow. Gorbachev, the first President of the Soviet Union, is a Nobel Peace Prize recipient for his leadership role in ending the Cold War and also the founder and President of Green Cross International. Following the premiere, IS IT TOO LATE was screened at the General Assembly Hall at United Nations Headquarters in New York City and broadcast globally on the 20th anniversary of Earth Day.
In 1993, HEARTBEAT premiered on MTV, went into rotation on MTV2 and VH1, and became the theme for the NCS “Call To Action” Tipi on the 1995 and 1996 H.O.R.D.E. festival tours. WHO’S GONNA SAVE YOU, another music picture in the series, premiered during COP17, the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Durban on SABC Africa, and again on ABC’s “Heartbeat Alaska” program. Prefaced by Tonya Gonnella Frichner, the North American representative to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and founder of the American Indian Law Alliance, WHO’S GONNA SAVE YOU also screened at the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues at United Nations Headquarters in New York.
The next in the Project Protect series, EARTH REVOLUTION, premiered at the Conference of Youth in Paris, France, on the eve of COP21, the historic 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference. H.E. Laurent Fabius, French Foreign Minister and President of the 21st Conference of the Parties, prefaced the premiere, followed by an appeal by Ta’Kaiya Blaney calling for an Earth Revolution. During COP21 in Paris, EARTH REVOLUTION was also screened at the Rights of Nature Tribunal on 5 December 2015, and won the BEST MUSIC VIDEO AWARD in 2016 at the 44th American Indian Film Festival in San Francisco.
The latest music picture, BORN ON THE REZ, was written at Očhéthi Šakówin Stronghold, Standing Rock during the #NoDAPL #WaterIsLife movement. A sneak peek was first seen on VEVO and heard on Moccasin Wire, hosted by Pat Romero of Taos Pueblo on KTAO 101.9FM, World Famous Solar Radio. The single took off, impacting Native Radio from the heart of the Lakota Nation on KILI 90.1FM and KLND 89.5FM across Indian Country.
There are new Project Protect music pictures coming soon, including IRON HORSE: THE LONGEST WALK, WHERE THUNDER FINDS HERE and WE ARE INDIGENOUS.
While music is a powerful tool, Klee Benally, a musician, artist, and ally of Native Children’s Survival, reminds us that music is not enough…
Project Protect would not be possible without the generous support of the following Native Nations, Organizations, and Record Companies.