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On World Environment Day 2024, Native Children’s Survival honors our sisters and brothers around the world who are leading the charge with real solutions and positive climate action. We celebrate the art of activism with a special shout-out for the remarkable bravery and dedication of Brazilian skydiver Luigi Cani. Cani, who holds the world record for the smallest parachute jump, undertook an inspiring mission. He carried over 100 million seeds from 27 species of native trees to a remote deforested area in the heart of the Amazon biome, a testament to the power of individual action in environmental conservation.

As Luigi descended towards the deforested area at 6,500 feet, he accelerated to 300 km/h, reaching the seed box in free fall and dispersing the seeds at the optimal height for precise and uniform distribution. The seeds collected for this project boast a germination rate of over 95% and require no human intervention to sprout. Consequently, in a few years, we will witness the fruits of this unprecedented climate action, a thriving forest once barren from deforestation.

The urgency of our environmental situation cannot be overstated. To keep global warming below 1.5°C this century, we must halve annual greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Without action, exposure to air pollution above safe levels will increase by 50% within the next decade, leading to serious health issues for Mother Earth and All Our Relations. Additionally, the amount of plastic waste entering rivers and oceans will nearly triple by 2040, threatening marine life and ecosystems. The time for action is now.

The need for immediate action to tackle these critical issues is undeniable. We all have a role to play in this, and it's time to step up.

World Environment Day is led by the United Nations Environment Programme and celebrated annually on June 5th. In 2024, Saudi Arabia will be hosting the event.

Earlier Event: May 22
Later Event: June 8